intention was to blog every day I was here at Frog Lotus Yoga, but as Amanda Crocker will attest...ding dang ya'll this is a tough course. (I started following Amanda's blog when she went through FLY about this time last year.) I have written down about 15 different blog ideas, but really have no free time to post them. I have no wi-fi in my room, and really only have about 20-30 minutes a day of free time to actually blog...and 15 of them are during lunch. Most of you know I go to bed early, because I wake up early. Truth be told...I'm actually sleeping in a bit here...all the way till 5AM.
I wanted to share with you...especially those who either A) Think I'm Crazy, B) Know I'm Crazy, or C) Interested In What It Is I Am Doing...what my day looks like:
5:00 AM - This is the time I wake up. I enjoy a small cup of coffee and toast with almond butter. I think the hardest part so far is sharing my morning routine with 20 other people. I'm not use to people being up and around at this time of day. OBTW...this is also when I begin my OATH OF SILENCE! As you can imagine, this is not an easy task. This silence continues until 9:15AM. I will do some light reading during this time.
6:30 AM - I arrive for my morning 30-minutes of meditation. Right now we are only at 20-minutes. I basically straddle a bolster as if it were a horse, tuck my feet under and sit motionless for 20-minutes focusing on my breath and or a mantra in an attempt to slow and quiet my mind.
7:00 AM - I begin a rigorous asana practice for 2 hours and 15 minutes. It starts of slow and gentle. Focusing on joint movement and breath. Slowly it builds up energy/heat toward a goal of preparing my body for some kind of deeper pose. There is always an opportunity for wall work, where many of us are working on headstand, handstand, and forearm balance. (The later I was not able to achieve until coming here.)
9:15-11:00 AM - This is the time I have to make fresh! (Shower) I sweat A LOT!!! I have been taking my yoga towel with me into the shower and washing it too. I have my breakfast which has included mini-wheats and almond milk, an egg or two, and some days fresh juice. One of the students brought a juicer. must try this. 1-cucumber, 1-green apple, and a little bit of fresh ginger. I usually have about 15 free minutes here where I check my e-mail on my smartphone, and review my notes in preparation for my afternoon classes.
11:00AM - 1:00PM - This is when we check-in on the morning's asana practice. (yoga practice) We also learn about 5 new poses and the assists for each of them. We are learning the sanskrit for each pose. So not only am I learning more about yoga...but I'm also learning a new language. (All in 30 days.) We also take time to teach the poses to each other during this time.
1:00 - 2:00 PM - LUNCH! I have kept my restrictive diet since I've been here. I suppose I feel better. I've not taken my medication...and I don't feel any worse that's for sure. So for those of you playing at home...I'm basically a vegan right now who can't eat most of the good vegetables, and I'm eating eggs.
2:00 - 4:15 PM - This is the time I'm learning about yoga theory, history, philosophy, and anatomy.
4:15 - 6:30 PM - During this is time I can either observe a yoga class that takes place here at Frog Lotus Yoga, take a class, (next week I will be able to assist in the class) study/practice the poses I learned, or run errands.
6:30-7:30 PM - DINNER! There is an incredible chef here who has been making some amazing food. I think I might be gaining weight on veg ya'll!
7:30- 9:00 PM - More study time. Each night my homework includes practicing the poses I learned that day. A writing assignment based on some kind of yoga philosophy, and a reading assignment. I also have to work on the three poses I chose to work on. I came here to quiet my mind so that I could have clarity. The three poses I picked where not based on my inability to perform, but rather their ability to add focus and clarity. I picked Adho Mukha Vrksasana (headstand), Salamba Sirsasana (handstand), and Natarajasana (Lord of the dance)
So as you can see...I'm very busy. I have Sunday's off, and plan to write a few blogs then and launch them either all in one day, or at least have them on the ready so I can launch them easily. Namaste!
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